A terrible denglish Gedicht
Sapperlot lass mich in Ruh
But Ich bin (noch) so crazy about you
You’re sucking all the time
Scheiße ich find kein’ Reim
Everytime I’m looking into your (beautiful) eyes
I’m only talking scheiß
And when you are talking to me
I’m always schießing myelf ins knie
You are making me krank with your strange Umgangsweisen
I’m always mich selbst bescheißen
And you are my friend
But for being your girlfriend i have the Einsatz verpennt
Because i thought: It’s better to gehen es slowly an
The next time I’m going es schneller an and bin somit much more better dran
So I’m searching for a sexy Body Building Mann
And for that I’m melding mich for Bauer sucht Frau an
And then I finally have the happy ending in my Tasche…
(Man, bin ich ne Flasche)
You’re helping me in the most beschissendsten Lebenslagen
I can always dich um Dinge fragen
Even about love and Feelings
And about Music and… ähmmm Dings !
That Gedicht hier ist the letzte Dreck
It has no real sense
So let’s stay friends
Bin dann mal weg
Now I really stopp writing that terrible Gedicht
‘cause more Rhymes kenn ich nicht
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